1. Never cut the weft of handtied extensions. It will cause the hair to unravel. You may however cut the new genius weft, and the machine weft to get a fully customizable experience.
2. Never sleep on wet extensions. We suggest you wear it in a low braid, and use a silk scrunchy and silk pillowcase for bed.
3. Never bleach extensions. If you’re going to color the extensions, use a low volume developer to tone or color hair.
4. Use oil on the ends of the hair a few times a day. We suggest olaplex.
5. Never get sunscreen on the extensions. This will cause the extensions to change colors.
6. Brush hair often using a wet brush or extension brush, lifting up the wefts to insure you get all of the tangles out of the top of the weft.
7. Use a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner. Condition the full weft from top to bottom. Lift wefts to insure you shampoo and condition in between. This will help avoid a flaky/dry scalp.
8. Let extensions dry naturally as much as possible, and always use professional heat and styling products.
9. Just as natural hair does after a few months, you may notice your extensions getting split ends. You will need to trim, and deep condition your extensions regularly. Darker colors may fade from sun, toning, and washing. We expect your extensions to last about 1 year, depending on how you take care of them.
10. Now go on and enjoy your new elevated look!
- Dixie at Edit Extensions